Fun facts of the week: 4th of July

As we are getting closer to 4th of July, check out these fun facts that you may not know about.

  • According to author Kenneth C. Davis, July 2nd is the real day of Independence, but it is celebrated on the fourth because that is when congress accepted Jefferson’s declaration.
  • Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on a “laptop”, which was a writing desk that could fit on one’s lap.
  • Thomas Jefferson changed the wording of Declaration of Independence from “the pursuit of property” to “the pursuit of happiness”.
  • John Adam and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826.
  • Only two men signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776- John Hancock and Charles Thompson.
  • Jefferson’s original draft of the declaration of independence was lost and the one eventually signed is the “engrossed” documentation.
  • Several countries have used the Declaration of Independence as a beacon in their own struggles for freedom. These counties includes France, Greece, Poland, Russian and many countries in South America.
  • July 4 marks a day of liberation in both Philippines and Rwanda. In the Southeast Asian nation, July 4th is known as “Republic day”.
  • July 4th is the biggest hot dog holiday of the year
  • According to TIME magazine, American reportedly consuming about 155 million of hotdog on this day alone.
  • 700 million pounds of chicken are consumed on this day.
  • According to legend, on July 4, 1776, John Adams and his wife sat down for a celebratory meal of turtle soup, New England poached salmon with egg sauce, green peas and boiled new potato in jackets.
  • Due to concerns about cracking the iconic instrument, the Liberty Bell has not been rung since 1846. Instead, every year, to mark the 4th of July, the 2,000 pound bell is tapped 13 times to signal for bells crossed the Country to start ringing.
  • The Country’s 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, was born on Independence day in 1872.
  • Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey as the national bird but was overruled by John Adam and Thomas Jefferson, who recommended the bald eagle.
  • The U.S imported $227.3 million worth of fireworks from China.
  • The U.S. import $3.6 million of American flag from China.


Jenny is a health-conscious, organic and natural lifestyle influencer with a Bachelor's degree in science. With years of experience working in food sciences with organic products and health & nutrition companies - she firmly believes that a natural lifestyle is healthier for you and better for the environment as well. Founder of - an organic food recipes & reviews website dedicated to sharing an organic and natural lifestyle that is good for you and the environment.

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